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Podcast: Episode 41: What’s Under A Hat with Mari Hall

Essence: Episode NotesHeart with a tree of life inside

We will wear many hats in our lives. Some we may like, some that challenge us, and none define the truth of who we are. Joining Janet is Mari Hall, Reiki master, teacher, and founder of the International Assoc. of Reiki. Feel with us as we ask, “Who am I in the greater scheme of things?” and explore what we each have under the many hats we may be wearing. What would it be like to get rid of our old worn hats and wear something new?

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Friend: Podcast Guest

Mari Hall

Mari Hall is a Reiki Teacher, Coach, Mentor, and Motivational Speaker. Her passion is for people to connect to their inner peace and, through creative resolution, take this out into the world.

Mari began her Reiki journey in 1980 when she was searching for a way to help with a debilitating health issue. She became a Reiki Master in 1983. She was the first Usui Reiki Master to bring Reiki to the UK, and the first to teach Reiki in the Ukraine, Norway, and Czechoslovakia. Mari has taught Reiki to more than 55,000 people worldwide. She is a highly respected figure in the wider Reiki community.

As the founding director of the International Association of Reiki (est.1989), Mari has greatly influenced both the development of Reiki as a professional practice and the standards for its teaching. This was clearly seen in her work with the International Board of Complementary Medicine for the standardization of teaching and the professional practice of Reiki within the European Union. The late President of the Czech Republic, Vaclav Havel recognized this work when Mari was nominated for the prestigious Heart of the Country award, which is the Czech equivalent of the Nobel Peace Prize.

Mari also teaches Jikiden Reiki (direct teaching). She found Jikiden Reiki in Bogota, Columbia in 2007 when she went there to present techniques that she developed using Reiki to help with brain and motor neurological problems and muscle memory. She began studying Jikiden Reiki with Tadao Yamaguchi and Arjava Petter in Bogota that year and was Arjava’s US coordinator for his Jikiden classes in the United States for 7 years. She is a Shihan (Teacher).

She is the bestselling author of many books about Reiki. You can find them on Amazon. Her books include Practical Reiki: A Step by Step Guide, Reiki for the Soul, Reiki: Using Healing Energy for Peace, Joy, and Vitality, Reiki for Common Ailments and Reiki for the Soul: The Eleventh Door.

You can reach her at her website and at her email She is happy to answer your questions about Reiki.

Language: Featured Words in ContextTree of life with heart on trunk

Mari Hall

A Metaphor is a figure of speech that makes an implicit, implied, or hidden comparison between two things that are unrelated, but which share some common characteristics.

Roots: Associated WorksTree roots

Wholeness has been an exercise in being grateful for all the phases and adventures in Mari’s life. They have added to her sharing as teacher/therapist.

Being a military brat living around the world such as Greenland at age 2. Mixing in and learning about other cultures of people, religions, and customs.

Being able to relate with fairies, angels, and spiritual beings as real. To experience nature as senses in terms of colors and scents.

Her own hands that glowed with healing light.

Being told she would be paralyzed and live in a wheelchair led her to Reiki and to become a Reiki Master Teacher.

Taking a transformational training called The Life Training now called More To Life.

“Being able to study in the UK for three months. I ended up being in Europe for 18 years and teaching Reiki all over the world. I based in The Czech Republic for 16 1/2 years of that time. So many opportunities to help people remember how wonderful and light filled they are. I was working with people and learning how to be the teacher who inspires and found that I am always the teacher and the student. Everything is Love.”

Learning that what is needed comes to her. Life is magical, real, and deep. In the quiet she hears Creator and experienced so many miracles.

Ageless: Free Consciousness CookiesCookies – Food for thought

“Miracles happen every day, change the perception of what the miracle is, and you will see them all around you.”
Jon Bon Jovi
“Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.”
Thich Nhat Hanh
“You cannot explore the universe if you think that you are the center of it.”
Joshua Suya Pelicano

Blog: Metaphor Realities Of A HatQuan Yin

You can read my blog for this episode at my blog page and you can hear it on my YouTube channel Journeys into Enlightenment with Janet Barrett.

Sounds: Featured Music

Janet's theme music composed by Boyd Martin, Mystic Broadcast Network.

Garden theme is arranged by Boyd Martin Mystic Broadcast Network.

Show notes and recordings for all previous episodes:

Interact with Janet

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Thank you to my friends Jacqueline Sowell, website designer, Boyd Martin with MBR (Mystic Broadcast Podcast) for music and producing, Brian Knapp, podcast logo

Catch up with Conscious Conversations with Joan and Janet

What does it mean to live consciously with energetic awareness in daily life? We can access the warmth, acceptance and non-judgment that is universal consciousness. We are all part of that spectrum, as individuals interconnected. There is no time, no space. Accessing the state of potential can help us to allow for new choices in our habitual feelings, behaviors and responses. Joan and I are subtle energy empaths in the field of consciousness. Join us as we talk about our individual and collective evolutions on Conscious Conversations with Joan and Janet. Explore what it would be like to change your rules and realities.

Conscious Conversations

Listen to shows from the archives. Four years of timeless material. Past, present and future need not apply.

curly quotes around testimonialJanet is a glorious reflection of the Soul. She is a conduit for others to be the same.”
– KS, Portland, OR

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Interviewing Janean 

Janean, host of the podcast Keepin it Real, recently interviewed me. Listen to the podcast: Reframe Past Hurt into a Neutral Present with Janet Barrett>>
      Photo of Janean      

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