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Podcast: Episode 48: Expanding the Power of Your Subconscious Mind

Essence: Episode NotesHeart with a tree of life inside

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, by Dr. Joseph Murphy, was written 50 years ago. Joining Janet today is Jim Jensen who has written Expand The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, an updated commentary of this classic. Listen in as Jim reminds us why this book is still a classic, and together Jim and Janet will consider the parameters of mind and the wisdom to be found in learning how to use your mind well.

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Friend: Podcast Guest

Jim Jensen

C. James Jensen began his career as a salesman with Encyclopedia Britannica in his senior year of college. Within seven years he had become International Sales Manager in charge of worldwide sales. At the age of 28, he became Senior Vice President and CEO of Great Books of the Western World, a division of Encyclopedia Britannica. In this same year (1969) Jim and his wife, Jeri, attended an Omega seminar that would have an incredible impact on their lives forever. Jim became both a voracious student, then teacher and finally owner of the Omega seminar for several years. He was to become a teacher of many of the principles written in his book, Expand the Power of Your Subconscious Mind.

Jim also became President and CEO of two additional companies that each became the leading company within its respective industry. Jim attributes much of the success of those companies to the management and employees embracing many of the principles taught in his book.

Today, Jim provides executive coaching, consulting, and advisory services to emerging growth and mid-sized companies. He is an active member of the World Presidents’ Organization, serves as a life director for the Institute of Noetic Sciences, and is a member of the board of directors as well as Chairman of the Executive Committee of the board of Aspen Group, Inc. You can contact him at:
His website:
Facebook: CJamesjensenauthor
Linkedin: c-james-jensen

Language: Featured Words in ContextTree of life with heart on trunk

Of Mind: The three levels of mind within and around our being/form. Our conscious, subconscious and supraconscious minds, and how, in working together, they make up our ability of decision making: taking in perceptions, inviting comparison, contemplation as analysis, leading to a decision, a choice.

Expand the Power of Your Subconscious Mind

Jim shares this with us from his book: “Our subconscious is our hard drive, where we store learning and other experiences and the feelings we associate with them. Constantly at work, carrying out the directions of the conscious mind for better or worse…non- judgmental…it also monitors and manages our body functions. Conscious mind determines what is good or bad, right or wrong: not always the truth, but rather its perceptions of the truth based on prior data and experiences stored in the subconscious. It always wants to feel good so it will direct us to avoid uncomfortable situations. The supraconscious is our higher source of all pure creativity and provides the conscious mind access to all data not stored in our subconscious memory bank…It also provides free flowing energy when creating. Consciousness creates matter and form. Matter does not create consciousness. We truly create our reality through our conscious intent.”

Roots: Associated WorksTree roots

“To many people, when they complete their university studies and go through the "commencement ceremony", they think they are through with their formal learning process.  They forget that the meaning of the word "commencement" means BEGINNING and not ending. Consequently, I am an avid student of personal growth and especially that which relates to our mind.”
Jim Jensen

“In the pursuit of knowledge, something is added every day. In the pursuit of enlightenment something is dropped every day.”

Ageless: Free Consciousness CookiesCookies – Food for thought

The wisdom of Dr. Joseph Murphy:

“The reason there is so much chaos and misery, in the world, because people do not understand the interaction of their conscious and subconscious minds. When these two principles work in accord, in concord, in peace, and synchronously together, you will have health, happiness, peace and joy. There is no sickness, or discord when the conscious and subconscious work together harmoniously and peacefully.”
“The solution lies within the problem. The answer is within every question. If you are presented with a difficult situation and you can not see your way clear, the best procedure is to assume that Infinite Intelligence within your subconscious mind knows all, sees all, knows the answer and is revealing it to you now. Your new mental attitude that the creative intelligence is bringing about a happy solution will enable you to find the answer.”

Focus: Meditations by Tom BarrettYin Yang symbol representing the balance meditation brings

Our featured meditation this week is the evocative “Lake Meditation” From the meditation archive at Interlude: An Internet Retreat.

Listen at the YouTube channel Journeys Into Enlightenment with Janet Barrett.

BlogQuan Yin

“Meditation in Times of Crisis” by Jim Jensen is our Episode 48 Blog. You can read it at my website blog page blog page if you like.

Sounds: Featured Music

Janet's theme music composed by Boyd Martin, Mystic Broadcast Network.

Jim’s theme is Fuego by Hugo Correia.

Show notes and recordings for all previous episodes:

Interact with Janet

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Thank you to my friends Jacqueline Sowell, website designer, Boyd Martin with MBR (Mystic Broadcast Podcast) for music and producing, Brian Knapp, podcast logo

Catch up with Conscious Conversations with Joan and Janet

What does it mean to live consciously with energetic awareness in daily life? We can access the warmth, acceptance and non-judgment that is universal consciousness. We are all part of that spectrum, as individuals interconnected. There is no time, no space. Accessing the state of potential can help us to allow for new choices in our habitual feelings, behaviors and responses. Joan and I are subtle energy empaths in the field of consciousness. Join us as we talk about our individual and collective evolutions on Conscious Conversations with Joan and Janet. Explore what it would be like to change your rules and realities.

Conscious Conversations

Listen to shows from the archives. Four years of timeless material. Past, present and future need not apply.

curly quotes around testimonialJanet is a glorious reflection of the Soul. She is a conduit for others to be the same.”
– KS, Portland, OR

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Interviewing Janean 

Janean, host of the podcast Keepin it Real, recently interviewed me. Listen to the podcast: Reframe Past Hurt into a Neutral Present with Janet Barrett>>
      Photo of Janean      

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